For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. National Black Robe Regiment Black Robed Preachers from the Founding Era covered current issues of the day from a Bi...
Fiske, Warren
The conference would enable nonviolent voter outreach and community advocacy programs, specifically geared towards securing equity for all Black citizens. When was the SCLC Founded? The SCLC was founding in 1957 by nonviolent civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., along with 60 Black ministers...
According to the Washington Times back in November of 2023…”Top FBI officials ordered an agent to scrub his Facebook page to delete all of his anti-Trump vitriol before they would promote him to head the bureau’s Miami field office, which covers former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-La...
THIS YEAR I’M A ONE-ISSUE VOTER. AND THAT ISSUE IS EDUCATION. Again, I wouldn’t condone one-issue voting normally, but this year is different because the topic of education has some long-overdue momentum that will not last. If we’re going to make any headway with education reform (...
As a voter and a citizen, I appreciate knowing what makes politicians and political leaders tick, especially because I still view individual character as primary in my decision making regarding whom I choose to vote for. I’ve been known to vote for someone with whom I have substantial ...
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Christian Voter Guide 2026 - Here are the Christian testimonies of the Christian incumbents and their challengers for seats in the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, state senates, state assemblies, and governor positions.
Christian Coalition Set For Voter Guide Blitz; Activist Get-Out-the-Vote Drive to Peak SundayLaurie Goodstein