It focuses on three areas that drew national attention after being targeted by moral reform crusades: Sunday laws that prohibited work and recreation on the Christian Sabbath; restrictive liquor regulations; and northern race regulations in marriage, transportation, and public schools.Volk, Kyle G...
We are currently open for in-person worship services and Sabbath School every Saturday. All our worship services will continue to be live-streamed! ABOUT OUR GLOBAL CHURCH The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including mo...
And I saw that if God had changed the Sabbath, from the seventh to the first day, he would have changed the writing of the Sabbath commandment, written on the tables of stone, which are now in the ark, in the Most Holy Place of the Temple in heaven; and it would read thus: The ...
They believe that if we develop Christian character in our families, neighborhoods and local businesses, that God will send rain and take care of the thirsty, without the need for steel mills, which some have argued cannot be shut down on the sabbath. These are very interesting and important...
Biblical Answers for Today's Questions about false prophets and false teachings such as Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Message of the Cross, Mormonism, and other cults.
He challenges the reader to examine their priorities in view of the reality of Christ's return. 368 pages Among the many strengths of this book is that it is not merely a dry study of End Time events, but is instead a vibrant call to respond with a life of holiness, sacrifice and ...
Old Testament, as they are used concerning the land of Israel, circumcision, the feasts, the Sabbath, and other ordinances of the law of Moses. This study has implications for the claim that the land of Israel always has belonged, and always will belong, to the physical descendants of ...
When the Israelites Revolted Against the Ancient Greeks–“The Greek king, Antiochus IV, decided to ban the Jewish religion. He outlawed Jewish religious practices, such as the observance of the Sabbath or offering sacrifices at the temple in Jerusalem. Even owning a copy of the Jewish Scripture...
The SDA Church gradually adopted the use of the term "Trinity" to describe this tritheistic view of the Godhead, eventually culminating in the official General Conference session endorsement, in 1946, of a statement of beliefs that incorporated the word "Trinity."3 Beginning in 1980, the SDA...
The SDA Church gradually adopted the use of the term "Trinity" to describe this tritheistic view of the Godhead, eventually culminating in the official General Conference session endorsement, in 1946, of a statement of beliefs that incorporated the word "Trinity."3 Beginning in 1980, the SDA...