Discover the secrets of the afterlife with Waymon J. Marshall’s fascinating book,“The Revelation of Life After Death Before the Cross and After the Cross.”Delve into the depths of the Bible and explore the diverse views of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all through the lens ...
Robert Alan King
Actually, this website is devoted to only the first 7 verses of Romans 13. If we have a "hidden agenda," however, it is to view these seven verses in the context of the entire Bible. Those who see in Romans 13:1-7 a divine approval for "the State" take it out of its Biblical...
The Pilgrims saw the world in terms of groups—family, church, community, nation—and whatever we think of their view, the contrast drives home our own preoccupation with the individual. It was with Americans in mind that French writer Alexis de Tocqueville employed the term later translated as...
of God and the way St. Paul urged people to “welcome one another” across all social and ethnic barriers. Until recently, in Europe, to be human was to be a believer and to be a believer was to be Christian. Yes, we credit the Greeks for shaping our view of the good life. But ...
During Open Lines, George offered a special 'Friday the 13th' line. A caller from Beaumont, TX who was born on Friday the 13th said as a child he became convinced he was doomed because of society's negative view of '13.' He thought his fate was certain when the Apollo 13...More ...
ἐθεώρησα)tobecome the sole legitimate standpoint–theveryprinciple of‘seeing as Christians’as it were–,his view of the salvation-gamemust be diffused throughout the field. Opticalmetaphorsaside,this meansthat the theocratic-messianic idea, namelythat theJesus-followersubmits solelyto ...
In my view that is the only true sign of respect in this world – not beating around bushes or sugar coating things. My best friends are the ones who will tear my ideas to shreds and leave my writing dripping in red as they ruthlessly edit my work. My discussion of Mr. Claus was ...
the Islamic realm; and another theme has been the philosophyofRabbiJudah Halevi, especiallyhis view of the opponents of RabbinicJudaism,whether they be philosophers, members of other religions orKaraites.Two articleswhichIparticularlyenjoyedwriting were“ProselyteJudaism, ChristianityandIslam in the ...
For all their acknowledgment of religion, however, Socrates, the Renaissance humanists, and apparently the "humanistic religious" American Ethical Union ("the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society"), have a view of religion that is not always consistent or reconci...