A Beloved Earth Community: Christian Mission in an Ecological AgeRhoads, David M.Rossing, Barbara R.Currents in Theology & Mission
They require the destruction of the old order which was dedicated to fulfilling God's Will. Then, the "Great Reset" will create a "New World Order" dedicated to serving Satan. Hell on Earth. Satanism. It's time to stop parsing their lies and focus on the OCCULT nature of the challe...
Early in the twenty-first-century, Islam has distinguished itself as the fastest growing religion in America.[1] As it has done throughout its history, Islam has wedded religion with permission to gratify the basest human passions of the human heart. Arm
Is Earth ours to exploit, or to care for? If it's all gonna burn, why bother? Plus, Mike Morrell as our Heretic of the Week. Episode 25 #021: What Is Salvation? (HOTW: Bishop Carlton Pearson) If heaven and hell aren't about the afterlife, then what is salvation really about?
(daemones) and monsters (monstra) in the desert whose torments and skillfulness the inexperienced masses could not withstand” (Rufinus,Inquiry About the Monks in Egypt29). The problem is that they were not at the edges of the earth; these ascetics were r...
In their rejection of the Hebraic idea of God who made the heavens and earth and made them to be good, some Gnostics used the concept of the Demiurge to disassociate the eternal Spirit and the Spiritual Christ from the world’s materiality. However, this use is a break from the concept ...
Books (Book reviewsThe article reviews the book "The Bible, Rocks and Time: The Geological Evidence for the Age of the Earth," by Davis A. Young and Ralph F. Stearley.Ruse, Michaelamericanscientificaffiliation
Campbell, DavidHarvard University Press,Davidson, G R. When Faith and Science Collide: A Biblical Approach to Evaluating Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design, and the Age of the Earth. Oxford, MS: Malius Press, 2009.