Taming the Beast: The Long and Hard Road to the Christian Social Conference of 1952van der Woude, RolfJournal of Markets & Morality
专辑:Addis Airlines 歌手:AddisAbabaBandScott WesthMarco DaniaPreben KaelsChristian Tscherning LarsenMartin Robert MadsenBenjamin LesakMikkel GovertzLasse EnøeJesper RasmussenOlaf BrinchFeike van der WoudeJens Peter Møller 还没有歌词哦
, Judaisms and their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney 1987, xvi and 299 pp., hardback £ 27.50 ($ 39.50), paperback £ 9.95 ($ 12.95) Author: Van Der Woude, A.S. Source: Journal for the ...
Second, before World War II, a decisive reversal had occurred in the acceptance of a welfare state by younger people from both traditions so that the tipping point came before 1940.van der Woude, RolfActoninstitute
The Su ering Servant. Isaiah 53 in Jewish and Christian Sources. Edited by Bernd Janowski and Peter Stuhlmacher. (Translated by Daniel P. Bailey )doi:10.1163/157006307X170778Annemarieke W van der WoudeJournal for the Study of Judaism