(Fred had been an environmental lawyer who then decided to devote himself fulltime to his peace and justice-oriented music. He is now a Unitarian-Universalist minister.) For related reading, see this CNN report on adoption by LGBT couples. August 9, 2012 “Embracing the Humanity of the ...
For several months, I was receiving and reading the Christian Universalist Newsletter regularly. I was wondering why it was discontinued. I miss it. I sent you a part of something I am working on that I am hoping will become Christian Universalist music someday. It has the tongue-in-cheek ...
I had the great good pleasure to speak at theSkagit Unitarian Universalist Fellowshipyesterday (always so fun!) on the healing power of Love. Here’s a link to the podcast of my sermon: https://suuf.podbean.com/e/the-healing-power-of-love Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Tum...
Well, for me it starts with looking at where my beliefs are taking me. If they’re leading me towards hate, fear, anger, bigotry, bullying, greed, and selfishness, then those beliefs have got to go. But if my beliefs are leading me towards love – guiding me to a place of courage ...
with members of the local Unitarian Universalist church; with Norman in Africa and Tui in Australia; and with a whole host of wonderful hooligans on an Amazon discussion forum.Blessingshas led me into cool new communities and opened new doors for me, and the encouraging response I’ve gotten ...