The basic problem for Moore is that leadership is not determined by arm wrestling. To understand why upper body strength is less significant than Moore claims, I’m going to turn to Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher who pointed out the flaws in the strength-leads-to-power argument almost ...
Christian HolidaysInformation on Christian Holidays, and secular holidays approached from a Christian perspective. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!Psalm 133:1
The BCC exists to strengthen churches, para-church organizations, and educational institutions by promoting excellence and unity in biblical counselingMORE Facebook Followers 10.3KTwitter Followers 6.3K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact 61. Bible Reviewer Blog https://biblereviewer....
A mirror of this perfect unity Is a man and wife in unity They come together as one creation One body in celebration When a man and a wife Create a new life All of the angels sing By ©2007 SOCAN Theme song for "Le Monte Jeunesse" 2007Justice for the Unborn I...
Together We Can Seek Christian Unity Uncategorized Christian, MartinLutherKIng, MLK, Winter 2 Comments This week in January is the traditional time to pray for Christian unity. Since Jesus did this at the Last Supper, you might even call it his dying wish. Today, the Christian church is fa...
YAHMEN RADIO shares the Gospel through Christian music, ministry and outreach using broadcasting, events, and BIBLICAL MESSAGES; promotes unity among Christians, and actively participates in finding the lost. Our joy is seeing this vision, and mission accomplished. Sharing the Gospel of Christ, bring...
A unity so complete that the one never can suffer without the sympathetic suffering of the other. If the soul be depressed or distressed, the nervous condition of the body is sure to respond. Vigorous bodily health can never be known when the mind is diseased or the soul overworn and ...
We all hold some truth and some error. Until we admit that we will continue to be divided and the world will not notice anything supernatural going on. Jesus said that the greatest “missional strategy” was our unity (John 17).
English Lyrics中英文歌词Behold He comes, riding on the cloudsShining like the sun at the trumpet call (yes, He is, yes)Lift your voice, it's the year of JubileeOut of Zion's hill, salvation comesCome on, put your hands togetherThese are the days of Elija
Ephesians 4:13: Paul outlines the goal of Christian maturity:”Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”Spiritual maturity is measured by the extent to which we ...