There’s a song in Heaven every heart can sing Of a risen Savior, of a faithful King We have every reason to praise Him We have every reason to sing … Bless The Lord Chords and Lyrics – Mack Brock Share this: Facebook Tumblr Twitter Tags: Mack Brock Thank You So Much Jesus Chord...
Welcome to Masihi Geet site. "Masihi Geet" is a Hindi word and it means Christian Songs. The sole purpose of putting up the Christian song site "Masihi Geet" is to bring glory to our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ. We will add many popular videos and christian songs in these pages. In f...
The Bible is real.Jesus is real.Heaven is real. Eternity is real. God's love is real. Amen He who does not offend cannot be honest - Thomas Paine Until God is enough, nothing else will be God's mercy is more powerful than his Wrath and judgement. (Joel 2:13b, " Now return...
1 When Sermons Become Rants Photo: Project Inspired Pinterest 292 votes What do you think? Is this hilarious? 2 Jesus is the Ultimate Master of Resurrection Photo: Helios rise Pinterest 416 votes Is this hilarious? 3 That's why we hate spoilers ...
English / Chinese / Japanese Version 中英日文版 On May 4, 2024, on the 100th anniversary of Eric Lee’s Olympic victory, a concert called Chariots of Fire was held at the Royal Opera House in London to commemorate his life. 2024年5月4日,在李爱锐获得奥运冠军100周年的纪念日,在伦敦皇家歌...
One of my earliest and most cherished memories of hymn singing is with “Just As I Am.” This hymn was instrumental in leading me to Jesus Christ. Its powerful and simple message of coming to the Savior “just as you are” resonated deeply with my heart, and it still does today. That...
St. Stephen goes further, and brings out that belief in Jesus as the Christ (Messias) meant the ending of the Old Covenant and the coming in of a New (Acts, vi, vii). St. Philip the Deacon preached “of the kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus Christ“; and the Samaritans “...
1 which says that Christians are to discern the spirits to see whether or not they are from God, and the text goes on to say that “any spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in ...
(Salvation Army Song)请加入我们的军队 (救世军歌曲) ||| Come People of the Risen King 来吧,复活救主的百姓 ||| Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing 万福源头 ||| Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 我们渴望的耶稣 ||| Cornerstone 基督耶稣是房基石 ||| Crown Him with Many Crowns 拥戴我主为王 ||...
Psalm 15:4–“Who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the Lord; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind;” Did You Know? Meaning Did you know is a song by Hillsong that appears on the album Jesus Is My Superhero (2004). ...