Connecting spiritual seekers with the abundant Christian Science resources and activities in the state of Washington
She was desparate to help a friend who wanted to take his own life. But her friend wasn't interested in God or Christian Science. Trying to get a job? It's hard to get job experience when you haven't had a job before. This writer solved that problem by turning to God. ...
— Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, vii:1–2Have Suggestions? Bible Lesson readers of all types helped us to create this newest version—an edition informed by its users. It will continue to grow and improve with your suggestions, so let us know how it worked for you and ...
Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.–Science and Health,p. 494 Two books, one message. Study at your own pace. Spend a few minutes or a few hours—wherever you are. Take it with you. Lesson content changes weekly to show how the truths of the Bible add...
Lesson content changes weekly to show how the truths of the Bible address today’s diverse needs.Science and Health removes barriers to understanding the Bible and emphasizes the ever-presence of God’s love in our lives.View a sampleBible lesson What is ChristianScience? Questions aboutthe ...
If you’ve made a terrible mistake in your life, is it too late to do anything about it? This week's guest, Madelon Maupin, takes us through the lives of several notable Bible characters—as well as one of her own experiences—to answer that question. ...
When I read this editorial, I was reminded of how practical Christian Science is and of the blessings that come as we expand our understanding of what that practicality means in its application to healing disease and other erroneous claims. ...
I couldn’t get to sleep, and eventually came downstairs to read this week’s Bible Lesson Sermon and pray about this situation. This passage from Science and Health was helpful: “We can, and ultimately shall, so rise as to avail ourselves in every direction of the supremacy of Truth ove...
At the end of the week in which a lesson is studied, it is read as the Sunday sermon in Christian Science churches and societies worldwide. Listening to the lesson with understanding and inspiration rooted in the week’s in-depth study and application of the ideas presented in the lesson ...