Sunday services are conducted by a First and Second Reader and include music, hymns, prayer, and readings from the Bible andScience and Health with Key to the Scripturesby Mary Baker Eddy. Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptural selections are from the King James Version of the Bible. ...
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Dayton is a church dedicated to honoring the teachings of Christ Jesus. The Pastor is the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Popular in Grammar & Usage See All 7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly ...
The heart of Christian Science is Love. Christian Science is about feeling and understanding God's goodness. Christian Science is based on the Bible and is explained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Science Sentinel –“The inward voice” Christian Science Journal – A holy experience— and healing Christian Science Monitor – Need more time? Join us for Thanksgiving Service Annual Christmas Concert at 8th Church of Christ, Scientist, Houston – You’re invited!
Christian Science n. The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing healing through spiritual means as an important element of Christianity and teaching pure divine goodness as underlying all material reality. Also calledChurch of Christ, Scientist. ...
Christian Science Sentinel –“The inward voice” Christian Science Journal – A holy experience— and healing Christian Science Monitor – Need more time? Join us for Thanksgiving Service Annual Christmas Concert at 8th Church of Christ, Scientist, Houston – You’re invited! More News & St...
Christian Science was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy. She founded the Christian Science church in 1879 and the Christian Science Monitor in 1908.Learn more A DAILY LIFT Need a quick lift for your day? These short podcasts offer simple inspiring ideas to take with you, enrich your day...
Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, Patti Hatton, MA, LPC developed a growth and enrichment program for marriages which counsels couples on the basis of the greatest commandment: love God first, with all your heart, soul and mind, then love yourself, and love others as you have learned to...
The Christian Science church in Chagrin Falls is dedicated to learning about God and following the teachings and example of Christ Jesus, bringing healing not only to ourselves, but also to the community. Mary Baker Eddy discovered that Jesus’ healing works were based on divine laws, and explai...