More recognition of hard facts, followed by public repentance and self-examination, and a massive re-orientation of power within the churches, will be required before the Christian church as a whole will look credible to outsiders as a place of safety and recovery. Anderson’s attempt to make ...
re struggling to overcome the challenges you face, I invite you to consider Christian counseling as part of your healing and recovery journey. By relying on the Holy Spirit for direction, it’s possible to be set free from the aspects of your life that are hindering your growth and ...
Piper tells an amazing story about his life after death experience. That’s the part one would expect. What I did not expect was his explicit, candid, forthright description of the terrible pain and suffering which he endured during the time of his recovery and even till today. He bares hi...
Henry was a Baptist. That makes his negative remarks about pluralism (and more recent culture war moves by more modern Baptists) so puzzling. Baptists should not desire State sanction or approval foranyreligious speech or act, because this would implicitly or explicitlyforce other faith groupsto ...
The truth, however, can also lead to the sorrow of despair – like that of Judas, from which there is no recovery. Are you sorry for your sins? On occasion, while making a Confession, the priest will ask me, “Are you sorry for your sins?” I remember how striking those words were...
In gratitude for the support they received after their fire, IMARI TONES has decided to donate 50% of the proceeds fromComing Back Aliveto the California Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to wildfire relief and recovery efforts. This contribution will be made on a permanent ...
In gratitude for the support they received after their fire, IMARI TONES has decided to donate 50% of the proceeds fromComing Back Aliveto the California Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to wildfire relief and recovery efforts. This contribution will be made on a permanent ...
A tour of the facilities meant a chance to meet the patients, to inquire about their health, and to offer best wishes and prayers for swift recovery. Outside, the greenhouses, which are so important for supplementing meager government rations, would be inspected. Walking tractors and bicycles ...
and a brave recovery of the basic principles of the Anglo-American Conservative Tradition, upon which our country was founded, on the other. In this part and the next and final part, we shall be looking even more closely at the role ofreligious faithin the ACCT as this provides the critic...
But maybe we should be keeping our eye on the clock, and monitoring progress more actively during that 6 weeks. When we see recovery not proceeding as hoped, we may need to ANTICIPATE the need for an orthopedic referral, make the appointment for that 6 week mark, and cancel it if things...