are being posted here on March 8, 2023...! These new Study-Aid ebooks, as you can see below, will let you read all the relevant Bible quotes in the HEBREW language (for Israel, and for Jews & Christians in other nations too) in connection with all our 3 main display-tracts... ...
anxiety, Christian, mindfulness, quotes Leave a comment "Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life in fear; rather look at them with hope that, as they arise, God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them ... the same everlasting God who cares for you today,...
and perhaps through moments of grace like Baptism in the Trinity, or perhaps founded in sound parenting or provided by strong religious teachers or the saintly examples of believers in Christ whom they have watched and set their hearts on imitating. ....
I thought I’d share just a few quotes that are going into my commonplace book. Democracy in America is so rich that I could share quotes from it for months and still not get to all the good ones, but here are a few of my favorites. They come from the 2004 edition translated by A...
However, I am not completely surprised, because they fed me the lines on the Rosicrucians and pressured me many times to stick to their script. And out of the hours of interviews with the show’s producers and investigators, the program ultimately focused upon the scripted strawman quotes. ...
Let’s start with the most basic:Just show up.The last thing a kid , and their parent, need is an adult who does not fulfill a commitment. I’ve seen quotes that say things like “Showing up is 90% of the battle.” Let’s say that it brings you halfway there. But it is an ...
The Materiality of Religion in Ancient Egypt from the Dynastic to the Byzantine PeriodAccommodating the Other: Negotiating Christianity, Indigenous Practices, and Colonialism in the Jesuit Reductions500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines: Impact on Asia and the WorldA Transdisciplinary Approach to ...
for the sound of spirituality. I conclude with the prose of seven biblical reflections on what spirituality sounds like—a sound that leads us to a profound relationship with God. Keywords: Christianity;music;spiritual;spirituality;“Amazing Grace”;biblical;relationship;transcendent;autoethnography...
Finishing Well, Finishing StrongJim Grassi
A strong wave of disorientation chilled through his body and prickled the skin on the back of his neck. Panic rose like bile in his throat. What on earth was going on? His frantic gaze traveled the familiar terrain of the restaurant. He inhaled the warm, fragrant air, and flicked his ...