Life’s day will soon be o’er, all storms forever past, We’ll cross the great divide, to glory, safe at last; We’ll share the joys of heav’n – a harp, a home, a crown, The tempter will be banished, we’ll lay our burden down. 显示更多 1 1人已评价 显示分享列表 55...
But ordinary time gives way toextraordinarytime, which in the Christian year is focused around two events: Christmas and Easter. Since the Christian calendar is structured around the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, it is interesting to note that in the moments leading up to Ch...
to think our life is to walk in sunshine all the time and it be a cake walk is not Biblical. James tells us that in his first chapter. If the brother of Jesus is telling us this, Don’t you think we should listen?
I don't give a damn what queers do, and don't give a damn what Christians do. Just get the hell out of my way because I want to live my life and I don't want the government sucking 60% of my wages off my ass. —Alex Jones 327 If our children have the background of a godl...
Think-God-Now exists to promote Biblical Christian Thought by offering over 600 Christian One-liners, Quotes of faith by Leaders, Clean Jokes, Links to Christian News sites, plus Thoughts and Songs by Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn.
This revision is based on the 1897 edition to give preference to ancient prayers. All the prayers in this edition have been modified, some more freely than others. Most I revised in such a way that they remain direct quotes of the originals. In all the revision and overhauling, I tried ...
You can also read past issues (see the links on the left hand side of the page). Doorposts - *Christian* Bible-based character helpers. Retail, very affordable. Home Life Ministries - *Christian* The Character Journal, a free monthly e-zine to help build Godly character in children. Past...
Almost poetry, Hidden Storms is a novella to be savored. The words roll in the mouth and find their way to the heart. A young girl spurned by her parents and feared by strangers feels unworthy of love, even the love of God. Go with her on the search for life, for validation to be...
The fiery pit is large and barren of life. Despite the overwhelming heat, the center of the pit appears to be frozen and covered in ice. I search through the dense, noxious vapors when suddenly I am startled by an old, filthy, bent, solitary man in rags standing in a mist and staring...
An aid to finding wholesome children's literature in harmony with the Christian life. Positive, healthy stories that inspire virtues such as courage, charity, prudence, justice, patience and generosity. With characters children can emulate, containing no negatives like cursing, swearing, self-...