The purpose of this paper is to determine the correlation between the nineteenth century missionary enterprise and colonial occupation of Africa. European missionaries entered Africa simultaneously at the very beginning of colonial conquest and domination of Africa....
Using Facebook to Reach an Unreached People Using Legos for Evangelism Using Your Cell or Mobile Phone for Evangelism and to Share God's Word V Vehicles for Christian workers and missionaries-Leasing, Purchase and Repair W Walk Thru the Bible Free Resources - Daily Devotional, Newsletter, Leaders...
counsellors and medical staff; providing medicines, books and teaching materials; and providing fresh, clean water where none has been available. To The Ends of the Earth Society, also supports similar projects through other like-minded organizations and projects and sends out missionaries to help ...
What are Christian Missionaries? Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. This is in large part because of the work of missionaries: Christians who travel to new areas in order to convert people to Christianity. This is sometimes called evangelism; evangelists "witness Christ" ...
The latter are challenging Africans not to lose their cultural and philosophical heritage upon conversion to Christianity. This essay looks at the evidence and shows that, in spite of the best efforts of the early missionaries, Africans have retained the essence of their pre-Christian worldview in...
Related to Christian name:first name,middle name,Name meanings Christian name n. 1.A name given at baptism. Also calledbaptismal name. 2.A name that precedes a person's family name, especially the first name. Usage Note:Because it presupposes that an entire society is Christian, the termCh...
Although the early works of the eminent Kenyan novelist and dramatist Ngug wa Thiong'o have received a great amount of international critical attention since the 1960s, little has been written about his portrayal of missionaries. The present article is intended as a step towards filling that lacu...
Mission Cry is equipping orphans, evangelists, pastors and missionaries for the works of service all the while setting up distribution centers, lending libraries, Bible College libraries, and holding crusades. The mission of CRI has distribution points around the world. We have begun a new ...
However the gaining of control of their own church affairs by Africans in recent years has changed the role of missionaries to that of important helpers. It should be recognized that the mission organizations brought the educational system into being in Africa, and that the modern African churches...
The expedient nature of mission schooling as a means to an end needs to be balanced by the fact that the missions were the first to take an active interest in the welfare of native peoples. The missionaries have been criticised as agents of cultural imperialism but it is equally true that ...