Additionally, we want the doctors and nurses to fully understand what cancer Amanda has and where it all is. We want them to be at peace with giving the care she needs to help fight it. We want them to know how much of a blessing they are to us. We pray God uses them as a vess...
Starshield will offer satellites with sensing payloads to deliver data directly to the user, provide global communications to government users and build satellite buses to support customer payload missions providing “end-to-end systems” to win big ticket government contracts. (Sou...
Moreover, some of them took on the role of teaching the next generation of nurses, or let us say, the first generation of Korean nurses, by initiating nurse training (간호원양성소13, officially opened in 1903). Since the demand both for female medical care and nurse training op...
Introduction Christian missions and ministries have engaged in serving communities and people in need worldwide. Such motives have been manifested in providing charity to the poor, medical services to the sick, hospitality to the disliked, and places of refuge to the persecuted [1]. These ...