After seeing Christian martyrs risk their lives for the sake of Christianity, many Romans were compelled and attracted to the faith. Also, there were Apostles who traveled around the empire spreading the message of Christianity. Then in 312 CE, Emperor Constantine proposed the Edict of Milan that...
Foxe's Book of Martyrs The Book of Martyrs Audio by John Foxe chronicles the accounts of Christians throughout history who served in the name of Christ and ultimately gave their lives for the cause of Christianity. Listen to Foxe's Book of Martyrs below. ...
The unfaithful "Christians" who, in that horribly-frightening moment of crisis choose not to become martyrs for Yeshua/Jesus... will have declared eternal allegiance instead to an anti-Christ religion and the Muslim God of War. The apostates will have then rejected the Holy Spirit of YHWH ...
The unfaithful "Christians" who, in that horribly-frightening moment of crisis choose not to become martyrs for Yeshua/Jesus... will have declared eternal allegiance instead to an anti-Christ religion and the Muslim God of War. The apostates will have then rejected the Holy Spirit of YHWH ...
This book is a Testament to the tens of thousands of Christian martyrs --just in the past few decades who have given their lives for Christ in places like China, India, the Middle east, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and North Korea. If you never believed in miracles and the mystical--you...
-- conservative Christian news commentary hosted by pastor Brad Brandon 18. Voice Of The Martyrs has frequent persecution news updates at -- news reports of daily worldwide persecution under Islamic & Marxist tyranny . Click the pictures above to read each tract as an HTML slidesh...
Today, may the Russian New Martyrs and Confessors and the Holy Royal Martyrs intercede for us in our mission work at the Susquehanna Confluence, and may the Lord give us good wisdom and energy in these latter days! Above, Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II arriving from the Imperial train at the ...
down, and kiss their rings. They sit on gold encrusted thrones. They heap up odious labors upon their followers. They rob God of His glory. Martyrs have gone to their deaths destitute of earthly wealth, and go on to their eternal rewards which show these pious men to be spiritual pauper...
See the world's rarest and most beautiful Bibles and learn how the Bible was translated over the centuries. Start with the earliest Hebrew Torah Scrolls and papyri of Greek manuscripts. Learn about the lives of Reformation martyrs who struggled against great odds and gave their lives to translate...
"For all things, as the Prophet says, were made out of nothing; it was no transformation of existing things, but the creation of the non-being into a perfect form.”[35] The prophet cited by St. Hilary was the mother of the Maccabean martyrs, who said to one of her tortured sons...