Christian counselor George Hartwell M.Sc. personal and marriage retreats for bonding with life transformation therapy
Matthew does not give the detail that Luke does, but he does center his focus on Joseph. In Matthew 1:18 we learn that Mary was “found” to be with child before they came together (in marriage). This would suggest that Mary had been unfaithful to Joseph in the betrothal period, but ...
Way back when this Homosexual Marriage thing began, I tried to pay just like normal to place Ads in the Google search engine showing what God thinks about Homosexuality. Every ad that had any mention of gay, homosexual or lesbian was not accepted (returned Refused) by Google. At the same ...
Joy and her husband, Tim, have spoken at FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences. Together they have co-authored two books entitled The Seven Conflicts: Resolving the Most Common Disagreements in Marriage and Fight Fair!: Winning at Conflict without Losing at Love. Joy lives in Cary, ...
I said one of the most hurtful things ever to Jana. We have never had a pattern of saying the first thing that comes to mind in an argument. We're not screamers. But a single burst of emotion broke through an invisible wall that had tenderly defined the perimeter of our marriage for ...
Even when it comes to marriage — a topic that’s specifically addressed in the Bible, unlike homeschooling — the examples are wildly divergent. We all know the story of Ruth, right? [1] Ruth was told to wear perfume, wait until Boaz had drunk plenty, then go into his room, uncover...
She is preparing, under her father’s guidance, for heterosexual marriage. Attention to the father-daughter relationship in the sexual purity movement highlights the ways that sexual purity is primarily about subject formation and the ordering of relationships—in families, in the nation, and in ...