外部播放此歌曲> Instrumental Christian Songs、Acoustic Worship Ensemble - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Instrumental Version) 专辑:Christian Harp Music - Blest Are They 歌手:Instrumental Christian SongsAcoustic Worship Ensemble 还没有歌词哦
Instrumental music may be composed for one or for more instruments. The rondo, the concerto, the sonata, and the fantasia generally belong to the former class; to the latter, symphonies and overtures for an orchestra, and instrumental chamber music, including duets, trios, quartets, and other ...
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专辑: Harp Music for Bible Study 歌手:Instrumental Christian SongsChristian Piano MusicPraise and Worship还没有歌词哦Instrumental Christian Songs、Christian Piano Music、Praise and Worship - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Instrumental Version) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Joyful, Joyful ...
Word of Truth Radio provides relaxing Christian music and inspiring instrumental hymns. The goal of this station is to glorify the Lord through soothing and uplifting sounds, such as the piano, harp, violin, and classical guitar, as well as other instruments. The mixture results in a peaceful ...
Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. Psalm 147:7 The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sa...
(called a 'lesson,' of which there are six in total). There are also purely instrumental versions of 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring,' 'O Little Town of Bethlehem,' 'Silent Night' and 'We Three Kings.' In accordance with the holiness of the season, the arrangements are restrained, the...
burst into jubilant song with music. Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing. With trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in...
Instrumental Gospel Music Zouk Gospel Songs Live Gospel Songs Creole Gospel Songs Portuguese Gospel Songs Southern Gospel Songs Black Gospel Songs Praise & Worship Songs American Worship Songs Haitian Worship Songs African Worship Songs Spanish Worship Songs ...
在Apple Music 上收听Christian Maria Haug的《Carpe Diem (Entspannende Piano-Wohlfühlmusik zum Loslassen und Träumen)》。2011年。12 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 4 分钟