I thought I knew what my blog was to be about this Lord’s Day Morning. I had a beautiful image to illustrate BUT as has become the way with some tech things ,,, I cannot find the image, SO her I am thinking of you all and prayerful for all known personally so I send on wit...
s PresenceGodisableGodIsFaithfulGodIsLoveGodIsNearGodIsWithYouGodsGraceGodsPlanGodsTempleGood SamaritanGracegratitudeGreatestLoveStoryGrey HairHappyHealingHeartHebrews 13:5HelpHolySpiritHopeHopeInChristHopeInGodHoratio SpaffordIndividualityInspirationInspirationalinspirational thoughtInspireIt Is Well with My SoulJ ...
In Luke 12:22-23, Jesus speaks directly to His disciples, and His disciples today apply this same teaching; Worry less because He will give us all we truly need, “And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither fo...
Let’s step into February with hearts ready to embrace the love God has for us and to share that love with those He’s placed in our lives. Free online Bible study for moms Join us for the free Love in Action Bible study for moms to go even further into these four different types ...
The NIV Bible Blog Receive weekly articles that help you dig deeper into Scripture, reflect on thought-provoking devotional writings, and be informed about the NIV translation. Thomas Nelson Bibles Blog Be uplifted and challenged by what God's Word says about a host of culturally relevant topics...
The Tiny Crownby Susan Barnett Braun, fiction. A teenager discontent with her mundane life gets to go on an unexpected trip to England, the land of her dreams. While there, she tumbles through a wall into another realm and finds out royal life isn’t quite what she thought. Though this...
It’s been a while since I shared this with you, so thought it would be good to share with you again since we have so many new quilters joining us. Plus, seeing as I how I can’t remember where I put my car keys yesterday, it’s a guaranteed unlikely that I’ll remember somethi...
But even more than being an inspirational tool, the feed has made me think more about time and memory, and how perceptions of each can mold what culture believes to be “true.” For example, in May 1977, a little movie called “Star Wars” hit the theaters, to somewhat mixed reviews....
I thought enjoyed the process and would recommend CFP to other authors. Andrea Hinds "Look What The Lord Has Done" Well I must say as a first time writer I wasn’t sure what to look for in a publisher, but I needed to find someone that would be totally honest and understanding--...
6. A weight scale reading lower than I was mentally prepared to see. Yes, I know this is a bit of vanity to care, but I’m working really hard on my health in general, and it’s great encouragement when you get a surprise reading lower than you thought it would be. I’ll take ...