In Christ Alone 唯独基督世界各地英文版– 观看2千多万次– 观看近2千万次– Travis Cottrel – 观看1千多万次
在1941年9月,在德国和日本纳粹对全世界包括中国的全面战争中,当时还奉行和平孤立保持中立的美国罗斯福总统和英国丘吉尔首相在还没有战争的大西洋的军舰上会面。在视频后半部的星期天礼拜中演唱 Onward Christian Soldiers 基督精兵前进 这首歌曲,需要看的可用YOUTUBE自动翻成中文字幕。当时的...
to uplift friends isolated at home and provide solace to patients with physical and mental illnesses. We hope these timeless and beautiful hymns will bring faith, hope, and eternal love to people everywhere, especially in their moments of suffering, difficulty, and depression. ...
寓意當時詩人面臨生命即將落幕的現實,並帶出詩人此刻特別孤獨無助的情感;但由此詩人心中又產生了至誠的呼喊和渴望 – “求主與我同住!”接下來的各節,詩人則通過思想自己在人生中的各種看見及境遇,包括“人生短日,轉瞬就已入暮”,“地樂燈殘,世榮花謝草枯”,“四境所見,盡是變遷朽腐”,以及“疾病”“魔鬼...
在视频后半部的星期天礼拜中演唱 Onward Christian Soldiers 基督精兵前进 这首歌曲,需要看的可用YOUTUBE自动翻成中文字幕。当时的美国虽然早以是世界第一,但一直不介入亚欧事务。美国当时也是重生基督徒最多的地方。不像现在,美国和西方社会和教会快彻底败坏了。
songs like“10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)”byMatt Redmanor“Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)”byHillsong UNITEDare both modern-day hymns that have resonated with believers worldwide. These songs are packed with rich biblical imagery, reminding us of God’s endless grace and calling us to trust...
is the night when Christ was born. The entire host of heaven immediately celebrated this event by putting on the biggest musical concert in the history of the world. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the high...
CLASSIC PIANO HYMNS As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is our hope that this combination of piano music and profound lyrics will draw us to a deeper connection with God the Father, all this made possible by the great work of salvation at the cross. ...
Mauce is crafting these arrangements, primarily featuring fresh takes on well-known Christian songs and hymns re-imagined in a heavy metal context. We’re also excited to collaborate with guest vocalists to enhance our songs even more. No AI generated music, this is the real thing. ...