I shouldn’t have to teach you this. A Christian woman should want to dress modestly - to dress differently from the world. Unfortunately, since the 1950’s, mothers (even Christian ones) have often failed to guide their children in matters of modesty. Although you probably already have some...
One of the examples she pointed out was Jane Powell’s lavender dress and coral belt worn in the dance scene with Fred Astaire on the ship going to England. She also notes Helen’s clever use of gradations of the same color in other costumes, “The petticoat would be purple and every ...
For years, some conservative Christians have pointed to Deuteronomy 22:5 and decreed that women shouldn't wear pants. But that scripture only says that women shouldn't dress like men and men shouldn't dress like women. In some cultures and eras, traditionally "female" attire would include pan...
The female dancer said, that if she did not stand on one leg, the house would be in an uproar: she was master of the whole and would be treated as such. “She who played the queen, would also be treated as a queen when off the stage, or else she should get out of practice, ...