EASTER Death was proof that Jesus was human. Resurrection was proof that He is God. - copied The Gospel is the only story where the hero dies for the villain. - Ethan Purkey "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details"? -- Albert Einstein MISC I was educated once, it...
It’s entirely appropriate that I received this gift on Easter week, a time when we celebrate someone else who died that we might live. Scripture says that only a few would ever die for someone else, but that while we were still in our sinful state, Christ died for us. His death and...
- Happy Easter Greetings - St. George's Day Greetings - Happy Pentecost Greetings - St. Andrew's Day Greetings - St. Nicholas Day Greetings - Merry Christmas Day / Xmas Day Wishes Daily Wishes: - Good Morning - Good Afternoon - Good Evening - Good Night - I Miss You - Keep in Touch...
It would be an understatement to say that we seem to be having a dry spell here in Washington State. I cannot remember the last real rain we had here. I really miss the rain – I miss the sloshy sound of cars rolling along soggy, sopping roads and the feel of rain on my face and...
- Happy Easter Greetings - St. George's Day Greetings - Happy Pentecost Greetings - St. Andrew's Day Greetings - St. Nicholas Day Greetings - Merry Christmas Day / Xmas Day Wishes Daily Wishes: - Good Morning - Good Afternoon - Good Evening - Good Night - I Miss You - Keep in Touch...