Scripture alone 教会不能建立新的Doctrine,教会不能设立获救的条件,不是private Interpretation Doctrine of adoption, God选择一部分人adoption by Grace predestination justified now 不等于saved,你如何知道谁能始终faith,直到最后saved。加尔文说你可以知道,奥古斯丁说不能知道 conversion experience 就是获救的征象 true ...
At its corpus, secularism (sometimes referred to as humanism) engenders a cultural milieu and mind-set that excludes religion and any doctrine of faith. As such, the institution of marriage would be governed by human desires and wishes as opposed to the biblical narrative of inerrant Scripture....
It is more than a doctrine to be held; it is a life to be enjoyed every moment of the day. -- A.W. Tozer If I don’t take time to pray, there will be no real communication in our relationship. If I don’t take time to read God’s word, I won’t hear His loving call....
Doctrine, CHRISTIAN.—Taken in the sense of “the act of teaching” and “the knowledge imparted by teaching”, this term is synonymous with CATECHESIS and CATECHISM. Didaskalia, didache, in the Vulgate, doctrina, are often used in the N.T., especially in the Pastoral Epistles. As we mig...
As we might expect, the Apostle insists upon "doctrine" as one of the most important duties of a bishop (I Tim., iv, 13, 16; v, 17; II Tim., iv, 2, etc.).The word katechesis means instruction by word of mouth, especially by questioning and answering. Though it may apply to ...
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), The Hunting of the Snark Many Christians believe that all essential Christian doctrine is to be found in the Bible. Some denominations explicitly affirm this. The Church of England for example, in the sixth of its 39 Anglican Articles of Religion, asserts that "Ho...
Christian deliverance website on breaking curses. Avoid false teachings by learning sound biblical doctrine on breaking curses. Breaking generational curses, family curses, overcoming unforgiveness, etc.
They will start to backtrack on their unashamed belief that they are Children of God. Explaining that He is only our Father through the adoption of grace and that we are not really His children. Every doctrine within Mormonism rests upon the doctrinal foundation and belief that we are ...
He wants to warn his disciples that, as he had explained to them before, the doctrine of the gospel, of which they were to become witnesses and heralds, would at no time please the world or receive its applause. So he prophesies that they will not be fighting with only a few...
but if it fall upon him it shall grind him to powder. Not all the sophisms of the learned, nor all the legerdemain of the cunning, will ever be able to sweep the doctrine of election out of Holy Scripture. Let any man hear and judge. Hearken ye to this passage in the 9th of Roman...