Define Christian name. Christian name synonyms, Christian name pronunciation, Christian name translation, English dictionary definition of Christian name. n. 1. A name given at baptism. Also called baptismal name . 2. A name that precedes a person's fami
Define Christian God. Christian God synonyms, Christian God pronunciation, Christian God translation, English dictionary definition of Christian God. n. pl. trin·i·ties 1. A group consisting of three closely related members. Also called triunity . 2. T
My intended audience in writing this are all the “broken” people from “broken families” who have been beaten down by Corporate Christianity and western culture because of this mythical definition of “family” that is considered “good” or “Christian,” and which,...
Christ, Church, and Religion: The Definition of Family, Part 1 God Centered Life with Josh Moody Pursuing Purity: 4 Steps to Overcoming Lust Guidelines For Living with Harold Sala Revival In The Land Liberty Bible Fellowship Church with Pastor Joe Persaud ...
Define Patriarch (Christian churches). Patriarch (Christian churches) synonyms, Patriarch (Christian churches) pronunciation, Patriarch (Christian churches) translation, English dictionary definition of Patriarch (Christian churches). n. 1. A man who rul
The Christian meaning of fidelity is perceived by the majority of society to be strictly in the corporeal sense only. As a Christian we are called to look upon not only the physical reality but also the spiritual reality. The actual definition of fidelity is: 1) strict fulfillment of promises...
See the full definition of mercy on “that all be saved” 2 Peter 3:9, KJV“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” ...
The Meaning of Womanhood, in Whole and in Parts Kate Lucky How a “history of the female body” speaks to similarities and differences between the sexes. What Do Christians Owe Their Ex-Boyfriends? Mia Staub Sometimes loving your neighbor means telling him you’re not in love...
IDEA of a Christian Society, The (Book)NOTES Towards the Definition of Culture (Book)ELIOT, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965UTOPIASHINDU philosophyRELIGION & cultureRELIGIONIn her article "Ancient Hindu Society and Eliot's Ideal Christian Society" Anita Bhela examines the influen...
Christian-like; becoming or befitting a Christian. In a Christian manner; in a manner consistent with the principles of the Christian religion or the profession of that religion. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. ...