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Regeneration meansregenerating the Common Good.Our position is this: The Climate Crisis and the Collapse of Society are both symptoms of the same fatal sickness:the destruction of the Common Good.We cannot compartmentalize the climate and separate it from the rest of society or our activities. Her...
rather than seeing it as having its base in the West, and from there expanding outward, sees Christianity as a polycentric reality, where many areas that had earlier been peripheral have become new centers … the new map of Christianity does not have one center, but many. Financial resources...
Women in a crisis pregnancy only do harm receiving an abortion— even though single mothers face horrible poverty and food security statistics. Curiously, I began crafting the previous paragraph before I realized that in every case, Matt Walsh had already said the sorts of things I criticize ...
In Times of Crisis and Until the Time Comes. Leave a comment below to share your thoughts on the subject. If you think others would appreciate reading this, please share it through the social media buttons. Yes, it was God who sent me here, not you! And he has made me a counselor ...
was challenged to pray about getting involved. I've been similarly challenged to grow in active justice and compassion work by the examples of women like Shirley who volunteers at a downtown homeless shelter and Emily who ministers at a crisis pregnancy center, helping vulnerable women discover a...
We’ve been wanting to inform everyone for a while and thought it would be a good time to share the great news! Elizabeth is quickly approaching 17 weeks into her pregnancy and everything is going well. Elizabeth has been talking about a Dragon baby since we had little Daniel (he is a...
So a person or persons unknown, who wouldn’t attract attention as they wandered around our senior retirement village, knew about this pregnancy and somehow persuaded the mother to give up the poor thing.” Babs clucked her teeth. “Well, it does happen.” “Yes, but what gets me is ...
centers for pregnant women in crisis (위기임산부), which is now a term used to describe the phenomenon when a woman is in a critical position due to financial, social, or psychological reasons (Ministry of Health and Welfare 2023), and she will be not able to take care of her...