Life Transformed is now 10 years old and we’ve grown to a team of six counselors and life coaches, available to meet in person or virtually. We share a compassionate and caring heart for our clients’ well being, healing and growth. Take the first step to a healthier and more peaceful...
I love that I can connect with a Christian Counselor that shares my beliefs, that prays for me and leads me to be more like Jesus. Abbie Texas, USA ★★★ I tried counselors near me but didn’t connect with any of them. It was an instant connection with my online counselor. Highly ...
Locations Near You Visit one of our conveniently located offices. Services The licensed counselors at San Diego Christian Counseling in Southern California offer a variety of mental health services including individual therapy, counseling for children, counseling for teens, family therapy, and group thera...
Accepts ParticipatingEmployeeAssistancePrograms/Benefits. LOCATION 74 Cheyenne Ave. Holland, MI 49424 Near Tunnel Park in Park Township OFFERING REMOTE THERAPY Meet me online Call 248 495-0132 to schedule an appointment....
From learning centers to counselors and advisors, there is nothing you can't find that will be provided at this school. Here I met welcoming people and enjoyed the experience of campus. With so much to do and the welcoming atmosphere, there are many places you are welcome to study in. ...
Jam-packed with Christian counseling resources for people who need help and the counselors who help them. Thousands of scriptures!
J. (2021). Understanding Conflict Between Religious/Spiritual and Queer Identities: A Framework for Counselors. Counseling and Values, 66(open in a new window)(2(open in a new window)), 145–162. (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in ...
The Higher Hopes Counseling Team provides experienced Licensed Professional, Christian Counseling & Biblical Counseling in Royse City, Greenville & Kaufman. Expect safe, caring, solid Christian counselors in your area both in-person & virtual sessions fo
Taking the truth that salvation works, he trains Christian counselors to help individuals remove the blockages in their minds and hearts that prevent them from experiencing the fullness of what Jesus purchased for them on the cross. Feedback from both our students and our faculty has been ...
Marriage Counselors Finding the Right Couples Counselor With all the counselors out there, many people ask the question, "How can I find a quality counselor near me, who I can entrust with my marriage or relationship?" This a very important question. Not everyone who is licensed has a specia...