Posted by Master's Counselling Services Inc. You love your teenager, but let’s face it—sometimes it feels like you’re trying to bond with an alien from another planet. One day, they’re chatty and sweet, and the next, you’re getting nothing but grunts and eye-rolls. If you’re ...
Are you looking for a Christian Counselor in your area? You've come to the right place!Find a Christian Counselornear you who is licensed or ordained. Newsletter Join my bi-weekly newsletter. Awesome topics! You're going to love these newsletters!
We understand that. It's hard enough to find quality counselling in Calgary for general issues, without adding the complexity of marriage, sexual addiction and couples sex therapy to the mix. And, where can anyone find that and still feel assured that their spirituality will be respected in th...
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 25(open in a new window)(1–2(open in a new window)), 159–178. (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a new window)Google Scholar...
in short shrift. Or denied promotion. Or denied interesting projects. Or kept out of research grant application teams. Or hauled into the CEO’s office for correction or counselling. James Cook University, just down the road from my current abode, did the first of these things to an outstan...
When I have said that they were years of constant travelling, preaching, organising, conferring, writing, arguing, reasoning, counselling, and warring against sin, the world, and the devil, I have just said all that I dare enter upon. He died at length in 1791, in the eighty-eighth ...
Garland and Argueta (2010) found that most sexual misconduct/abuse occurred inside the offender's church office while conducting a counselling session. Since Protestant Christian clergy generally live off the church campus, this may restrict their attempts to commit sexual abuse due to less absolute...