Pastoral counselingIndividual & family studies Understanding how Christian men lead their families and equipping them to shepherd their wives and children| A study at Lawndale Baptist Church in GreensboroNC SOUTHEASTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Ken Coley NaveyRodney Duane...
New Growth Press is an online Christian and Gospel bookstore in Greensboro, NC. We’re a Christian book publisher of Bible studies, counseling resources, VBS, etc.
J R Soc Med. 2008;101(12):579–82. Powlison D. The biblical counseling movement: history and context. Greensboro: New Growth Press; 2010. Google Scholar Abbott A. The system of professions. 1988. BookGoogle Scholar Drescher J. Out of DSM: Depathologizing homosexuality. Behav Sci. 2015;5...