When I became engaged to my husband, Nick, I did a round of what I would call deep, intensive counseling. I began really working through issues God was bringing to light. In 2007, Nick and I felt God was leading us to get involved with rescuing victims of human trafficking. We...
Continued counseling revealed painful events from my past that caused me to view sex and sin as almost synonymous. The combination of verbal abuse, strict religious teaching, and my family’s silence about sex had led to feelings of shame surrounding my sexuality. Due to misconceptions from my ...
Sandy then turned outside her home and began to volunteer at the local hospital. She confessed to Grant she'd been having coffee with a doctor every day and was developing feelings for him. They began counseling immediately and processed what had gotten them to that point. What's Up with ...
We'd recommend counseling to explore these factors that can create the disconnect you're experiencing. There is also the possibility that the problem is related to relational or sexual technique in your marriage. These, too, should be identifiable in counseling. The effort necessary to pursue the...
marriages. We experienced a romantic courtship and thoroughly enjoyed being together. We laughed, played, and prayed together. During our nine-month engagement we felt a clear sense of God's blessing on our relationship. We wanted to lay a strong foundation, so we sought pre-marital counseling...
Even though I'd spent years in counseling prior to our marriage and countless hours on my knees begging for emotional healing, it wasn't until I quit deceiving Stan—and myself—that God brought restoration. Eating disorders are fueled, at least in part, by shame and secrecy. As the Holy...
Counseling was more painful than what I have been through physically in the past year. I’m so glad I went through this healing, but I never dreamed it would have been so difficult! Many women say no to healing because they don’t want to go through the pain of uncovering buried feelin...
Wishful Thinking? Most couples I encounter in my counseling office have dreams of how wonderful their marriage would be if only … Theif onlystatements almost always focus on things they wish their spouse would change: I wish she would get rid of some junk....
This isn't to say we never dealt with any more episodes. After almost two years of counseling, I found out Paul was disappointed with me one evening. I'd chosen to go out with a needy friend rather than stay home with him. He ran back to that "pleasure" to numb his pain. ...
They also sought Christian counseling, where they learned a communication game. The listener would describe the feelings and meaning of the speaker. If understood correctly, the speaker would say, "Bull's-eye." Then they'd reverse roles. ...