奥克希尔斯基督教学院 Oak Hills Christian College,是一所Private学校,位于美国中西部的Bemidji,位列USNews。奥克希尔斯基督教学院最受欢迎专业,Theology and Religious Vocations, 神学和圣召,Liberal Arts, 文科类
24.6% White 33.8% Black or African American 24.6% Hispanic/Latino 12.3% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 4.6% Two or more races Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and American Indian or Alaska Native are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. ...
College Enrollment Students & Teachers Sports & Athletics Southwest Christian High School is a private school located in Chaska, MN. The student population of Southwest Christian High School is 458. The school’s minority student enrollment is 10.3% and the student-teacher ratio is 17:1. Tuition...
9.3% Minority Enrollment 90.7% White 3.7% Black or African American 1.9% Hispanic/Latino 1.2% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 1.2% Two or more races 1.2% American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%....
学校出色的理工课程为将来进入大学选择理工科专业的学生提供了实用的理论和实践基础,明尼苏达州有2位学生入选在明尼苏达大学进行的明尼苏达科学院的研究和工程学徒项目,其中1位正是马诺纳萨基督学校的学生; 开设大学课程: PSEO (Post Secondary Educational Opportunities)和CIS(College in the Schools):PESO是美国明尼苏达州...
西南基督教高中Southwest Christian High School校园设施完善,配有剧院、体育馆、足球场和橄榄球场、棒球场、艺术和陶艺工作室、音乐室、唱诗班课室等; 开设大学课程:PSEO (Post Secondary Educational Opportunities)和CIS(College in the Schools):PESO是美国明尼苏达州的一个州立学习制度。在该制度下,允许成绩优异的...
20.0% Minority Enrollment 20.0% Minority Enrollment 80.0% White 20.0% Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or more races, Hispanic/Latino and Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollmen...
8.5% Minority Enrollment 8.5% Minority Enrollment 91.5% White 4.3% Hispanic/Latino 3.2% Black or African American 1.1% Two or more races Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native and Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander are not included in this breakdown due to an ...
I’ve been going to Methodist Churches ever since, although a couple of them have been URC/ Methodist combined and because of my husband’s studies I live in an ecumenical Christian college. Tell us about how you first came to identify as a feminist. I came to identify as a feminist ...
Name:College Age Sponsored by:Christ Presbyterian Church Location: 6901 Normandale Avenue,Edina, Minnesota (MN)55435 Contact (church): phone 952-920-8515 / fax 952-920-4775 Name:Young Adults Sponsored by:Colonial Church Location: 6200 Colonial Way,Edina, Minnesota (MN)55436 ...