S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, (San Francisco: Harper 2001) as quoted in A Life God Rewards, by Bruce Wilkinson ( Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah 2002). This site is still available to read the 200,000 questions and answers Go ToStudyBible Forum.com Get real answers to your real Bible...
They called their efforts the "Restoration Movement" or the "Current Reformation," and they saw themselves as participants in a movement within the existing churches aimed at eliminating all sectarian divisions. This is the story of a courageous generation of Christians who migrated to Oregon ...
But Jesus surely asked all of us in the 21st century to strive for unity during the Last Supper. And I have found devoted Christians to admire in both camps. While placing country over Christ is a form of idolatry that strains some American churches today, we all should be able to say...
In more recent times, a huge move in Christian Churches participating in adopting children from other countries started just after the Korean War in the 1950s, with Harry and Bertha Holt. Based out of Oregon and with six children of their own, the Holts wanted to adopt Kore...
Civil War. These Christian songs served a variety of purposes beyond bolstering hope and faith during dark days. They told stories about Biblical characters like Moses. Some comforted the sorrowful and some rejoiced with the joyful. They were sung in churches, in camp meetings, and in the ...
Book Summary:What Does it Mean to Be “Crucified With Christ?”During his lifetime, renowned teacher A.W. Tozer was often invited to speak at seminaries, churches, and Bible conferences on the topic of the cross and its meaning for the Christian life. Now, in this never-before-published...