Skyrocketing drug usage in our nation In the past, drug use has been on the rise. We have been hearing in the last few years of overdoses in our Churches, news that no one wants to ever hear. A recent drug, named Fentanyl, has been skyrocketing in usage in our nation. Fentanyl is ...
Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. Google Scholar Audisio, Gabriel. 1999. The Waldensian Dissent: Persecution and Survival. c. 1170-c. 1570. Translated by Claire Davison. New York: Cambridge University Press. Book Google Scholar Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, Saint). 1955. ...
When President Trump was elected, we all joked that the Democrats have not been this mad since Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Perhaps soon they will be laughing at us. So far, CHAZ is a small beachhead of secession in Seattle which can easily be expanded to the entire West Coast should...
The topic of last week’s lesson sermon in Christian Science churches was “God the Preserver of Man” – and it was really helpful to me. In the Responsive Reading we read, “O you afflicted one, Tossed with tempest, and not comforted… You shall be far from oppression, for you shall...
2. The Story of the Self The Christian story, as told within both the Eastern and Western churches, begins in pristine and innocent goodness, with humanity created and formed in the image of its Creator. Theologians have found many ways to describe the significance of this image-bearing ...