CCCCambridge Chamber of Commerce(Cambridge, MA) CCCCentre for Culture and Communication(Republic Polytechnic, Singapore) CCCChinese Community Church(various locations) CCCCanadian Council of Churches CCCCanola Council of Canada CCCCaroline Chisholm College(Australia) ...
The Southern Baptist Convention voted Wednesday against enshrining a ban on churches with female pastors. While 61% of those who voted supported the ban, it needed a two-thirds majority to pass, according to CNN. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest protestant denomination in the U.S...
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006). 39. John Bunyan, Grace Abounding To The Chief Of Sinners In A Faithful Account Of The Life And Death Of John Bunyan, Or, A Brief Relation Of The Exceeding Mercy Of God In Christ To Him, / Namely In His Taking Him Out Of The Dunghill, ...
Today, in honor of All Saints Day, when many churches remember those Christians over the ages who have gone before us, it’s worth pondering Mary Sharratt’s list of eight reasons why she considers Hildegard von Bingen to have relevance today. Sharrott has written a novel based on the life...
These sacramental revivals were never aimed simply at the unconverted; they were for the whole community, churches and unchurched, sinners and saved. The new birth was the point of entry into a long journey heavenward upon which the pilgrim was in need of repeated renewal, reconfirmation, ...
He was also involved in religious life: he becameadeacon in1714 and preacher atHalberstadt,and went on to become superintendent of the churches at Hildesheim.He died in the sametown in1743.Throughout his life, he remained in contact withthe most eminent figures of the time, such as ...
Thus, while not excluding purposeful harm or ill-intention from the movement completely, this study seeks a richer account of why churches, families, organizations, and political leaders might promote sexual purity and the hierarchical father-daughter relationship in the face of evidence that this ...