“In that day,” says the Lord, We believe the Bible is the Word of God. Some people call this "Bibliolotry." Fine. Whatever. The Bible is the most important book in the history of the human race. It is the blueprint for "civilization." It is a textbook for every subject of ...
o Tipton, Lane and Jeff Waddington, eds.Resurrection and Eschatology: Theology In Service of the Church, Essays in Honor of Richard B. Gaffin. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 2008. o Hagopian, David, Ed.The Genesis Debate. Mission Viejo, CA: Crux Press, 2000. o Ga...
The best place to see the Vine & Fig Tree ideal is in the book of Micah. Let's look at Micah's prophecy (on the left) and ask a few questions (on the right): And it will come about in the last days That the mountain of the House of the LORD Will be established as the chief...