Books are the training weights of the mind - Epictetus (Stoic Philosopher) "Intercession is the link between our powerlessness and God's omnipotence." Andrew Murray - "Power in Prayer" Pray, pray and pray again because prayer changes everything - copied Never get to busy to pray. MAKE...
This writer felt constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated with her parents. Read how she found the connection between purifying her thought and health. . A spiritual approach to anxiety and depression A Christian Science perspective on The Christian Monitor about anxiety and depression. ...
Therapy can help with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and other concerns. It is also useful for major life changes of self-understanding. Therapy provides a safe confidential space to explore your thoughts and feelings.If you would like more information please book a free 15-...
Depression, Anxiety, and the Christian Life: Practical Wisdom from Richard BaxterPitts, Dallas B.Evangelical Review of Theology
The pharmaceutical approach to the conditions of anxiety and depression are good examples of this. But even such an idea is contradictory to other facts that doctors do accept about the body, but the contradictions inherent in Western medicine will be delved into later. There are two main ...
Check out these Christian counseling books, hand-picked by Dr. Brian Campbell. Anxiety; Anger; Depression; Anger; Forgiveness; Grief/Death; Parenting Problems; Premarital Counseling; Marriage Guidance; Communication; Devotionals; Men's Issues; ...and many more topics!Library ...
800-633-3446 Encouragement for relationships, addictions, depression, etc. Talk with a Christian who cares and can help you.
Just thinking about how some of us wake up everyday in some kind of pain. Maybe it’s physical pain or perhaps it’s the pain of disappointment, anxiety, regret, or grief. Whether it’s emotional, physical or spiritual, pain is pain. And when it lingers day after day, it becomes a...
Biblical Therapy is written for the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relational health of individuals suffering from anxiety, damaged self-esteem, depression, anger, marital, sexual, family, parenting, relational, and life dominating problems illust
Scholar-professor poets Greg Miller and William Woolfitt were passed to me by scholarly friends with notes such as, You need to read this. He’s good! Many important books have come to me in that way. Rainer Maria Rilke I found, like so many have, in college, but I never understood ...