Define Christian theologians. Christian theologians synonyms, Christian theologians pronunciation, Christian theologians translation, English dictionary definition of Christian theologians. Noun 1. Christian theology - the teachings of Christian churches
1.the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2.Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character. 3.the state of being a Christian. 4.Christendom. [1250–1300; Middle English < Middle French < Late Latin] ...
Paul wrote to address specific situations instead of comprehensive overviews of Christian beliefs Why Paul's opponents in Galatians are referred to as "Judaizers" They instructed new Christians to follow ritual aspects of Judaism Difference between "righteousness" in Matthew and "justification" in Paul...
The prevailing line seems to have been a set of beliefs now regarded as heretical and now known collectively as Monarchianism. This term embraces a range of beliefs from Dynamic Monarchianism to Modal Monarchianism (Sabellianism, Patripassionism). Dynamic Monarchianism held that Jesus had ...
Catholic apologetics in general—like Christian apologetics in particular—encourages believers to dive deeper into the teachings of Jesus and his Church. This understanding allows Catholics to explain their beliefs, whether it’s on the existence of God, the Eucharist, or Purgatory, to anyone who ...
He was a 17th century thinker – a mender of pots and pans – and wrote his greatest works while imprisoned for his Christian beliefs. His "Pilgrim's Progress" is second only to the Bible in the number of copies it has sold worldwide. It has even been called "the second best book ...
Define Christian Gospel. Christian Gospel synonyms, Christian Gospel pronunciation, Christian Gospel translation, English dictionary definition of Christian Gospel. n. 1. often Gospel The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles,
This can cause problems for the modern student, because the Orthodox theologians sometimes wrongly assumed that the new heretics shared all the beliefs and practices of the old sectarians with whom they had often arbitrarily identified them. Byzantine writers working in this tradition were convinced ...
A whole body of Against the Jews literature was produced by leading Fathers who defamed the Jews as a people and emptied their religious beliefs and practices of any historical value. Two major causalities of the anti-Jewish campaign were Sabbath and Passover. The Sabbath was changed to Sunday...
Of all these practices Christians had on offer for the afflicted, this paper will explore the last one, prayers and gestures performed and substances consecrated and distributed in a liturgical context, i. e. in the context of the regular prayer occasions of the church (Eucharist, liturgy of...