Based on a true story, this film follows the incredible journey of a teenage boy who defies the odds and makes a miraculous recovery after a near-death experience. With its strong Christian themes and uplifting message, Breakthrough is an inspiring testament to the power of faith in times of...
head-first into writing. Over the next five years I read countless articles on the basics of fiction, everything from showing vs telling, POV, unnecessary adverbs, and so much more. Over that time I finished a draft version of my first novel and continued to hone it based on the various...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. evangelism nounpreaching,spreading the word,spreading the gospel,telling the gospel messageEvangelism can be seen as potentially threatening for other faith communities. ...
We need to normalize teenage sexuality before we can talk about ways to manage sexual interests appropriately. We need to ensure the child knows that we know way more than they do about healthy sexuality and we would prefer they come to us with questions (or our other trusted adult). Step...
t have a child.But based from many years of handling youth in the Church, counseling youth from different sectors, and hearing from parents about their teenagers, these five points are among the top ways that I would give to anyone who desires to have his or her teenage child grow up ...
Directed by John Williams from a screenplay by Michael Müller, The Beat Beneath My Feet has the following synopsis: A painfully shy teenage boy with secret but grand rock and roll aspirations lives with his single mum in a flat in South London. Into the flat below moves an anti-social, ...
emitted from the smells of my home. Some days I was American when I allowed people to mispronounce my last name up until I headed off to college, when I argued with my parents for the privilege to attend a school dance, when I embraced my teenage angst that was more foreign to my par...
And what ensues really changes the the entire family, especially the father and the teenage son. The son goes on into ministry changing many, many lives in the area and the father puts together a group of men who rely on listening prayer and who go from village to village repairing broken...
Godly Expectations for the Teenage Years Preparing Children for Marriage Training of Infants Simple Obedience Dealing with Attitudes and Emotions Responsibility and Living Skills Scriptural Problem Solving Beginning Training with Older Children Also includes a helpful list of “Chastening Do’s and Don’ts...
Widowed and left to care for his two young children and his deceased cousin Randolph’s two teenage girls, William is consumed with saving the estate from the financial ruin. The last thing he needs is any distraction coming from the kindhearted-yet-determined governess who seems to be quietly...