Episode #1.7 (二月 16, 1982) Season 1, Episode 7 - Thomas Waghorn See more 7 Das heiße Herz (1982) (TV Movie) - Kiwi Amphitryon (1981) (TV Movie) - Amphitryon Anpassung an eine zerstörte Illusion (1977) (TV Movie) - Henning Kugler Direktion City (1976) (TV...
© 2024 with the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110986938-008 286 Appendix 6: Christian Gottlieb Seeligmann, Jüdischer Ceremonien (1725)Text and translation...
9). Justin Martyr also, who lived within half a century of the apostles, and is himself credited with being the author of a work on Christian Psalmody, mentions the songs and hymns of the Ephesian Christians: "We manifest our gratitude to him by worshipping him in spiritual songs and ...
The author considers just war theory, ‘as developed and defended both by church theologians and secular philosophers,’ untenable, and for three reasons: (1) Just war theory is untenable because it is difficult to know with sufficient confidence whether all of its conditions have been met. (2...
This poem has many such fictions within fictions, and they serve to move the dialogue forward. The dialogue is also less one-sided, here, as the author offers point and counterpoint. Problem of Evil It is no surprise that Browning alludes frequently to Job; he is ever preoccupied with the...
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, duplication, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if ...
Episode #1.7 (二月 16, 1982) Season 1, Episode 7 - Thomas Waghorn See more 7 Das heiße Herz (1982) (TV Movie) - Kiwi Amphitryon (1981) (TV Movie) - Amphitryon Anpassung an eine zerstörte Illusion (1977) (TV Movie) - Henning Kugler Direktion City (1976) (TV...
This paper examines how the Book of Revelation repurposes libation imagery as a means to critique what its author perceives as wrong ritual practice. Throughout the Book of Revelation1, the complex negotiations of identities taking place around the ancient Mediterranean are apparent. The letters ...