This series has been focused on introducing you to the concept of Stewardship. Stewardship takes on many forms; time, family, faith, talent, prayer and treasure. In the previous post, I described stewardship as it relates to family. In this post, I will examine the concept of Stewardship as...
Janel M. Curry-Roper, "Contemporary Christian Escha- tologies and Their Relation to Environmental Steward- ship," The Professional Geographer 42, no. 2 (1990): 158.Curry-Roper, Janel M. "Contemporary Christian Eschatologies and their Relation to Environmental Stewardship." The Professional ...
. Though some cultures celebrate common ownership of land, in most cases this does not allow for economic prosperity. The idea of private property rights is embedded in the Ten Commandments. “You shall not steal” underlines this principle. God’s plan is individual ownership and stewardship....
This is a total failure of leadership, a lack of societal stewardship. The responsibility of industry extends beyond profitability to ensuring that its actions do not endanger public well-being. By spreading falsehoods, the fossil fuel industry has compromised this responsibility, endangering not just...
etc. You’re looking for groups that are primarily focused on helping each other with support and advice. It should be free or cheap. You need to find a group that is comprised of leadership level people – big thinkers. You want to be in a group where the attitudes reflect a big thin...
Men and women are created in the image of God and have been gifted by God to exercise stewardship over the creation God has given to us. Yet, that message is submerged amidst all the entertainment, frivolity, and posturing. The Truman Show had the same problem. Barbie is a film that ...
exercising wise physical and financial stewardship to ensure making the most of what could be as many as 30 years of post-work building intergenerational community The manifesto challenge is being presented at a time when the need for a major re-evaluation of post-working life is being driven ...
Christian agrarians, from Liberty Hyde Bailey on, used the political and social influence of the churches to promote stewardship through extension offices, land-grant universities, and other government institutions. Lowe's book fills an important hole in the history of rural America, American ...
Depending on the particular environmental variable measured, the religious beliefs tended to be sometimes of a stewardship and type at other times espoused the character of mastery over nature, both within and across the two faith communities studied. Importantly, participants do not seem to ...
StewardshipHousehold-ManagementEmbedded EconomyThe aim of the paper is to provide an overview of economic issues that permeate certain aspects of the New Testament narrative world. After critically discussing the proper methodological patterns, the essay explores the possibility of reconstructing the socio-...