Detailed figures are available at theOur Christian WorldandPew Forumweb sites. 12 Steps in Establishing the Case for Christianity : In his work,Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, the writer Norman Geisler sets forth a twelve step process in arguing the case for Christianity: ...
Hail & Fire Books is a resource for Biblical Christian, Protestant, Reformed, and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine...
Larry Jones of the Boise police and several other prominent writers in the field of occult apologetics. Many of his points only make sense if you look at the issues through the eyes of a humanist or atheist. In short, he does not get the underlying spiritual concerns. For example, after...
Deeper Waters Christian Ministries, which he and Allie founded, currently features a blog and a weekly podcast where Nick interviews the best in Christian scholarship and apologetics. Items mentioned in (or otherwise relevant to) the interview TMR 091 : Debate : Nick Peters Vs Ken Humphreys : ...
Detailed figures are available at the Our Christian World and Pew Forum web sites. 12 Steps in Establishing the Case for Christianity : In his work, Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, the writer Norman Geisler sets forth a twelve step process in arguing the case for Christianity: 12 Steps ...