Although theology likes to declare victory over death and sin on Good Friday, and Christian imagination has envisioned Holy Saturday as a triumphant storming of the gates of hell byChristus Victor, we must not deny Jesus’ full humanity by exempting him from the fate of every mortal: the comp...
and rose again on the third day in victory over death. Like before we will post the daily verse below in highlight, surrounded by some of the context for the daily verse. We hope you will be blessed by His Word, and use this holiday ...
There is a God, and He desperately desires a relationship with you. So earnest is His desire to know you that He came to earth as a man, died for your sins, and rose from the dead so you could have victory over death. But simply knowing about God won't do, my friends. The Bible...
Having achieved the final victory over death itself, the need for an intermediate rule of Christ no longer exists. However, the office of Mediator is unquestionably linked to Christ's humanity. This again brings to the fore the question whether Christ will retain his human nature after the ...
Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. Life of the body becomes yours when you believe in Me and your soul will live forever. Reject Me before My Second Coming and you will not be ready to receive Me. Should you emb...
1. Christ lag in Todes Banden(Christ lay in death’s strong bands) Text:Martin Luther English Translation: Christ lay in death’s strong bands, For our sins given up, And Satan had us in his power Full of mockery and scorn. Now, the victory is won, ...
One, Jesus’ ascension was the “visible proof” that his victory over death and the devil had been accomplished. Nothing could hold him down. As believers, we can “hold fast our confession” for we are certain of his victory in the end. If Jesus can ascend to heaven, then he can al...
“The mystery of Easter, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, points to the essential meaning of history, the victory of life over death. Catholic Christianity is a religion of life, not only eternal life, but life right now, not death. The Resurrection is the triumph of love over hate...
YHWH God, the Triune God of Yeshua/Jesus, declared Himself over and over again, in both the Old Covenant & New Covenant books of the Bible, to be an Almighty God WHO HATES THE SWORD and wishes to rescue people from the DEATHSTYLE of the Sword! He wants them to find, instead, the ...