the Calvinist doctrine of the separate existence of God the Son, derived from Calvin’s assertion that Christ took His person from God, but not His substance. —autotheist,n. —autotheistic,adj. chiliasm the doctrine that Christ will return to the world in a visible form and set up a ...
had been his model, his pupil, his lover, and when Egidio married Justin took the young couple into his apartment where they lived till they found a place of their own … [and] became Justin’s family, the centre of his personal life.’ 96. Michael Scott (ed.), Religious Art ...
Billy Graham took this position on the looming future of our world-- in his belief that God's Judgment and the Return of Christ is imminent, very near indeed... and that an Anti-Christ World-Dictator will precede the Return of King Jesus Christ. Remember this is the preacher and ...
Billy Graham took this position on the looming future of our world-- in his belief that God's Judgment and the Return of Christ is imminent, very near indeed... and that an Anti-Christ World-Dictator will precede the Return of King Jesus Christ. Remember this is the preacher and ...
Only Christ’s sacrifice on the cross takes away the burden of sin. When Christian sees a cross standing on a hill, “his burden [is] loosed from off his shoulders” and tumbles into the open grave beneath; then Christian is “glad and lightsome” and says, “He hath given me r...
won that Burroughs Prize. Another took a PhD in history and became a college professor. Another designed a system to store solar energywhile still in prison. Another became a preacher. Another, Calvin, grew so adept at speaking on the prisons' "scared straight" circuit that he won his pardo...
My sweet children, don’t you know that it has been through God’s Love for all of you that He permitted me to proclaim His most Holy Word at every apparition of me, the Mother of God, which took place in the world. It was the desire of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that...
Our soul is fallen, for by default it wants to be independent from God, yet by choosing independence from God, the soul depends on Satan and believes his lies. Just as Even took Satan’s thought into her mind, so many times we take his thoughts into our mind, and we are poisoned and...
” The Realists might have looked at Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” and said, “Well, the night sky depicted in this deranged work bears no resemblance to what we see with our eyes. The artist is taking brutal liberties.” On the other hand, the Impressionists might have considered Millet...
both have come from Adam. Now Christ took the visible substance of His flesh from the Virgin's flesh; but the virtue of His conception did not spring from the seed of man, but far otherwise -- -from on high." Hence He was not in Adam according to seminal virtue, but only according...