综上所述,“Christ the Redeemer”作为一座集艺术、历史与文化于一体的标志性雕像,不仅代表着巴西的荣耀与骄傲,更是全人类共同的精神财富。
The Christ the Redeemer Statue is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro. Standing on top of Corcovado mountain and often being surrounded by fog, there are spotlights illuminating the statue so it can be seen from every point in the city.
Redeemer University College, 视频播放量 8、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 戴着围巾天天看学校, 作者简介 专业提供学校视频V,相关视频:美国大学谁在塔顶,[HCG] - 华盛顿中央大学 商学院 学生生活体验 Central Washington Unive
Christ the Redeemer Rio de Janeiro This iconic statue of Christ stands atop Mount Corcovado, gazing out over the city of Rio de Janeiro and the blue waters of Guanabara Bay. Nearly 800,000 people a year make the trek up the mountain for a closer look. To reach the monument, visitors ...
ChristtheRedeemer,RiodeJaneiro ThestatueofChristtheRedeemerstandsontopoftheCorcovadomountaininbrazil,whichisthesymbolofthecityandisoneofthefamousmonumentalsculptuersintheworld.Jesusmountainspentfor45yearstodesignandfinishedin1931.ThestatueinhonorofBrazil'sindependencemovementsuccessfully.ThestatueoftheChristis125ft(3...
This article features the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since its inauguration in 1931, the monument and the mountain have been celebrated in song, film and prose. It was chosen as one of the New Seven Wonders o...
新片场提供基督救世像(Christ The Redeemer)是巴西里约热内卢的一个地标,这是在一个暴风雨夜里的闪电时间延时摄影的实拍视频素材免费下载。适用于救世主基督里约热内卢,救世,一个lse里约热内卢,risen christ,救世基督等主题的视频内容创作。 加入购物车立即购买 ...
A website for and about Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church in Houston, Texas. Find mass times, confession times, get involved with church groups and ministries and learn about sacraments - weddings, baptisms, first communion, confirmation, religious edu
christ the redeemer 读音:美英 christ the redeemer基本解释 救世主耶稣;救世基督像;基督像;里约热内卢基督像;基督救世主 分词解释 Christ基督 redeemer买回者,赎身者,救世主 christ the redeemer是什么意思 christ the redeemer怎么读 christ the redeemer在线翻译 christ the redeemer中文意思 christ the redeemer的解释...
第一景点: Christ the Redeemer 基督山早一点去正好可以看一点点的晴天。因为我们去的那一天要整天下雨。还好我们没白去哈哈哈。上去时候要做小火车。一树林的菠萝蜜树!第二景点:回到城里去看了Rua Manuel ...