Christ The King School ranks within the top 20% of private schools in Indiana. Serving 519 students in grades Prekindergarten-8, this school is located in South Bend, IN.
Let the name of The Lord be exalted in our penmanship. Let our pens paint portraits pointing to the King. Let the name we know be the name we show. Let the Lord come alive as our words light up the minds that hear our testimony. Let the exaltations of our ink spur meditations that...
Why then are we so foolish as to conceal our ignorance from him, and to hide our case and condition from him; and why doth not this commend Christ’s school to us so much the more? why do we not carry as ingenious scholars, really desirous to learn? But, IV. We may learn, That...
WCCC Weston Creek Cricket Club (United Kingdom) WCCC Walnut Creek Community Church (Iowa) WCCC Wellesley Community Children's Center (Massachusetts) WCCC West Covina Christian Church WCCC World Centers of Compassion for Children International WCCC Western Catholic Cursillo Council (Canada) WCCC Wal...
When I was in high school, many years before my conversion, my friends and I entered a basketball tournament. Because we had lost in previous years, we became convinced that everyone was cheating, by lying on the entry forms about their level of experience. And so we devised a scheme to...
For Whites in America the training begins in Grade School and is carried to the University level. White Children are no longer taught about the Civil War or other American Historical events because it might possibly get in the way of them feeling guilty and ashamed for having been born White...
Your Kingdom came, Your will was done Spread the Love: Twitter Facebook Email ObediencePrayerand taggedleading someone to salvationpreaching the gospel to strangerssalvation,salvation for the pooron God is First Class! 8 Replies Toward the end of last year the private Christian school I applied ...