God the Trinity,God's Faith,God's Grace,God's love,good news,Gospel,Grace Communion Baltimore,Grace Communion International,Having The Peace Of God,He is the hope,How God Reveals Himself,Humanity Revealed,Humanity Revealed In Jesus,identity in Christ,Inclusion,Isaiah 9: 6,Isaiah 9:7,Jesus,Je...
recognition of the wonderful worldwide-evangelism potential of the Internet. Like many other Christian evangelism ministries, we have pulled this off for 3 decades with only a very modest number of personal expenditures... and have seen some noteworthy ...
Now, listen, because I have worked with and contributed to several ministries over the years that were Holy Spirit inspired and produced good work. These ministries made a lasting difference in the lives of people. However, somewhere in the earnestness of serving, the people in these ministries ...
Today, for me, the haints is small potatoes. A sign that evil spirits have found access to you yet nothing to fear. BTW, I did not know it then but years later, it was revealed that the head that appeared at the seance was that of the so-called ascended master, St. Germain. ...
You are living in a time when known and unknown diseases have been spread in some countries, creating a worldwide alert. CHILDREN, THE DESIRE TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF HUMAN BEINGS LIVING ON EARTH HAS NOT STOPPED AND THAT IS WHY YOU ARE SUFFERING. The air will contaminate you through the ...
They will be revealed to take their place beside Jesus on the throne, as he promised. Thus, righteous rule and order will be restored to the world even during the millennium. When Jesus comes in triumph to set up his Kingdom, at that time nature will be restored to the fertility and ...
recognition of the wonderful worldwide-evangelism potential of the Internet. Like many other Christian evangelism ministries, we have pulled this off for 3 decades with only a very modest number of personal expenditures... and have seen some noteworthy ...
Magus exalted himself as the first leader of the false worldwide religious system – the Roman Catholic Church. Simon Peter never served as the first pope of the Catholic Church or the bishop of Rome. Jesus) did not build the Catholic Church upon the rock of Peter (Matthew 16:16-18); ...
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 Everyone has to have a chance to hear the gospel! This worldwide gospel preaching event demonstrates God’s power and desire that no one ...
*Michael Guillen.Believing Is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith. Jeffrey D. Johnson.The Absurdity of Unbelief: A Worldview Apologetic of the Christian Faith. *Phillip E. Johnson.Against All Gods: What’s Right and Wrong About the...