I. First, the blood God shed to make the coats was in the Garden of Eden. It should be noticed that when God made our first parents “coats of skin,” blood was shed in the Garden – because they were not driven from the Garden until after the blood was shed in making them those ...
In the Garden of Eden, Satan embodied a serpent and then tempted and deceived Eve into disobeying God’s command not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16–17;3:1–6). After Eve sinned, she gave the tree’s fruit to Adam, who also sinned by eating...
She, the Singular Vessel of Devotion, had the perfect integrity of Adam and Eve before their Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden. It is important, therefore, to get the doctrine of Original Sin right in order to understand the great miracle worked by God in the soul of the fairest ...
In our Song, the Garden of Eden has been regained, but it anticipates even more. We wait for a King like no other. We long to be a Bride loved like no other. For those who know Christ, what we long for has already arrived (Rom 5:10–11)....
When we experience rejection, or we are overwhelmed, or maybe just bored with life, we look for ways to numb the pain. Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we retreat from the light into the shadows and try to find something to cover us up. ...
Satan has argued that since the first marriage failed in the Garden of Eden, no marriage can succeed. When there are two people fulfilling the perfect model of point 3, what we have is an answer against satan and for God in this “courtroom battle” resulting in maximum glorification of ...
This Site explores the symbolisms in Astro-theology such as the mythology of Christ as a sun god, the association of the Garden of Eden myth with celestial Polar symbolism, and the secret origins of Judaism
This is how God created Adam, that in the Garden of Eden, he could lift up his hands and commune with God (Gen. 2:7&15, Gen. 3:8). Like Adam, we can also commune with our God in our gardens of life. And this was the core motivation in the reforms that were instituted ...
Right at the beginning of creation when God addresses man for the very first time, He issues an invitation to man in Genesis 1:29 to eat from the fruits of the Garden of Eden. Jesus’ last night with his disciples… Read more →
the fall the River of Life, the Tree of Life, no more curse, walking and talking with God before His face, and living a royal life with the Trinity that goes on forever in the city park of eternal Paradise with the Lamb of God of which the Garden of Eden (with Adam) was a type...