The Anti-Christ in the BibleBev WWenham, John. Christ and the Bible, (Eugene, OR.: WIPF & Stock, 2009).
It is the organ of our mental perception, and it contains what is referred to in the Bible as our emotions and passions, our identity, our logical reasoning and even our heart (not the physical heart, but the metaphysical, thinking and feeling and believing heart). But this mind of man ...
John 1 Expanded Bible Christ Comes to the World 1 In the beginning [Gen. 1:1]·there was the Word [the Word already existed; C the Word refers to Christ, God’s revelation of himself]. The Word was ·with [in the presence of; in intimate relationship with] God [C the ...
Expanded Bible Christ Comes to the World 1In the beginning[Gen. 1:1]·there was the Word[the Word already existed;C the Word refers to Christ, God’s revelation of himself]. The Word was ·with[in the presence of; in intimate relationship with]God[C the Father], and the Word ...
Buy Saint Mary’s Press's Living in Christ Series: The Bible, Student Text, Paperback. Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 1: The Revelation of Jesus Chri…
The concept of "Possessing Everything in Christ" is a profound theological theme that underscores the spiritual riches and completeness believers have through their union with Jesus Christ. This theme is rooted in the New Testament and is particularly emphasized in the writings of the Apostle Paul....
John 15:4Abide in me, andI in you. As thebranchcannot bear fruit of itself, except itabidein thevine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:5I am thevine, ye are thebranches: He thatabidethin me, and I in him, the samebringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye ...
MARY MAGDALENE IS THE THIRTEENTH DISCIPLE , the true heir to the secret teachings of The Christ mentioned in the Bible, in letters of the early Church fathers, and in suppressed gospels rediscovered in the modern age. EARTH SHAKING DISCOVERY!Seven scholars unearth the Gospels of Mary Magdalene ...
The Way Of The Cross There Is Power In The Blood What A Friend We Have In Jesus When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Details Excerpt from the preface “Christ is the center of spiritual song and genuine faith. The sweetest Christian lyrics of all ages have revolved around His Person and work...
他解释说,bereshith (in the beginning),是由be(in)和reshith(the beginning)构成;而reshith的词根是rosh,是“头”或“首要”的意思。Rosh可以代表首产或初熟之果,也可以代表“大纲”或“计划”(Alcalay,2378)。这麽说,天地乃是上帝创造的初熟之果;这麽说,天地是按著上帝的计划和设计创造的。