It is the most celebrated holiday on the Western calendar. It is popular even in nations where Christians are in the minority. Christmas is one time of the year when you get the best opportunity to tell the story of Christ. The following article tells the Biblical story in harmony, drawing...
Valerius Herberger, quoted in The Treasury of Daily Prayer: “Reverent hearts, it is an old, laudable custom to commemorate St. Stephen on the second day of Christmas. For just as the innocent children were the first martyrs after Christ’s birth, so also St. Stephen was the first afte...
Raymond A. Foss Poems In that holy place, on that Oh Holy Night we rose as a family, to the chancel rail into the chancel, to the Advent wreath reading the words from the lectern, lighting the wicks, the candles of faith, of hope, of love one by one, sharing that wonderful moment ...
we celebrate Christmas, not merely a winter holiday; but the moment of grace the gift of birth, the choice to live as we do so long ago, in Bethlehem, in Eqypt, in Nazareth, in service December 26, 2006 20:40
The poem’s origins are mysterious, with the first known publication appearing in London’s Spiritual Magazine in August 1761. In the magazine, the only hint as to who wrote the poem was the initials ‘R.H’. This has led to speculation up to the present day, though the most likely c...
Now,on her first Christmas without him, the star was 49, too."Don' t worry, Grandmother," I 50her. "We'll fin d it for you."My mother an d I forme d a search 51. "Let' s start in on the closet where the ornaments (装饰品) were," Mother said. "May be the star just ...
A Poem by Bette A. Stevens The last cookie baked, the final gift wrapped. Christmas Eve is upon us… It’s time to relax. Christmas music is gently reminding us why Lord Jesus, the Christ Child… Came down from on high. He came as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. ...
This Wednesday is known as Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of Lent – a Christian holy day observed by many, but like Christmas and Easter, it’s not a Biblically required holiday. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, of Lent, which begin 40 days prior to Ea...
When the weather forecast calls for snow a day or two ahead, it’s almost like Christmas is coming. People rush out for milk and bread, in case we are stuck at home for several days, so the grocery stores and roads are often packed. The excitement in the air is palpable. ...
We all have hopes and fears. I know, you might think this is an odd question on Christmas Eve, but wouldn’t it make sense to face the negative in the midst of an even greater “positive?” This is the most “positive” time of the year! If ever there was a time appropriate to ...