The Lord not only paid the price for our sins, but He draws us to Himself by His Holy Spirit. Left on our own we would not come to the Lord. We are in a fallen condition and unable to come His way on our own. Jesus said,“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.”Th...
If your children are young, you should take the lead in pointing out God’s creation draws us to Him. Eventually it will be a natural way for your child to connect with God. Otherwise, they may have a tendency to give nature credit for itself. Talking about nature as a creation of ...
Augustine of Hippo wrote, “God has given us Himself, the giver of all good things, as our delight, and in Him alone is true rest.”Christmas is not only a time to remember a historical event but to marvel at the mystery of the incarnation. God [Father-Son-Holy-Spirit], through His...
HE draws closer to us. HE begins to reveal HIMSELF to us. The more you seek HIM, the more you will come to know HIM. The more you come to know HIM, the more you come
“Jesus draws to himself all true love, lifts it up to God and then sends it forth again, and this principle runs through the whole of life: each of us has to show forth that love of God and of his fellows.” Raymond Raynes, Superior, Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, England...
Displaying the sympathy and subtlety of a gifted novelist, Rokeach draws us into the lives of three troubled and profoundly different men who find themselves ';confronted with the ultimate contradiction conceivable for human beings: more than one person claiming the same identity.'Milton Rokeach...
But, because of God’s love for us and His amazing grace, God draws us to Him with His kindness. We learn of Him and hear the good news about salvation. We become convicted about our sins and realize we can do nothing without Him. ...
Rather, the Father draws us into an intimate, internal relationship with Himself in spirit and truth. His intention is to transform us from the inside out through our willing submission to His indwelling Spirit and ingrafted Word. It is only through the progressive operation of His “internal ...
We determined that it was God’s heart to speak to us and be spoken to by us. God treats us as friends not slaves: he does not desire to order us around. The Lord draws us into his presence tenderly, leading us by his love. He wants a relationship with us, not a command/control...
"All the Father has given Me, will come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first." Now, we taken through the lesson to show that in–you were in your great, great, great grandfather all the way back, physically speaking. Then that's what you are in physical being,...