Local Time 2025-01-13 15:16 61°F 16.1°C Light breeze 2.6 m/s 65 °F / 19 °C 45 °F / 8 °C Port Map Port Lyttelton-Christchurch cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with ...
Track JQ240 from Christchurch to Auckland: Jetstar Airways flight status, schedule, delay compensation, and real-time updates.
Track NZ5654 from Queenstown to Christchurch: Air New Zealand flight status, schedule, delay compensation, and real-time updates.
Fares, seats, timetable, schedules, reservations & tickets for the Christchurch Greymouth Arthurs Pass Christchurch train services
As we talked more, I learned that she had recently heard the Gospel at church, and in her mind, that message boiled down to one simple message: “When you ask Jesus into your heart, you go to heaven.” Apparently my daughter hadn’t prayed to accept Jesus because she didn’t want to...
Fast forward to Dragon football season of 2012. Trey passed away in July before football season began, but he sure wanted back on that field. When I mentioned before about Trey running into church late after practice, that is one place there was no division between Dragons and Mustangs. Matt...
so we needed to find a church that would be a good compromise. We landed on a Southern Baptist church that had contemporary worship music and solid, biblical teaching. It was just what we needed. We grew there, made some life-long friends, and had opportunities to pour out, too, by le...
For those of you who were able to attend our special service last year, you know what a blessing it was to have our choir sing a special cantata about Christ's coming and His influence on our lives today.Sermon Series ScheduleI've Got a Question...
If the church has never been or isn’t a place of healing for you anymore, please don’t step away from God. I tried that, I’ll save you the heartache, it isn’t pretty or worth it. Perhaps step away from that specific church, but not from God. I’ve witnessed far too many ...